Sorry. When is the last time you see a chocolate chip cookie review on the web? One that measure the diameter of the cookie; chocolate chip distribution ratio, crunchy versus chew... Yet, chocolate chip cookies are still our favourite bedtime treat (with a glass of milk, thank you very much!) Not that the technical aspect of macaron is not important; all of the above are the characteristics of this wonderful treat.
However, I would much rather introduce the macaron as I did couple years ago, when we are promoting macaron at a food and wine show. A lady approached our showcase and go, "Oh, look at these colourful cookies, like lil' hamburgers. What ARE these!?"
Then I would explain what a macaron is, what it's made of, how the texture is like, why is it so expensive, ya da ya da ya da.... Then come my favourite moment: when she bit into the macaron and her eyes opened wide, eye brows went up then came together, couple chews and swallow, "Oh my God, I never expect it to be so delicious! What's it call again?" Macaron. And that's all she had to remember: her first bite into heaven.